The Risks When Digging Trenches

Hiring a professional for excavating a large trench on your property is essential for many reasons. Not only is trench excavation a physically demanding task that requires specialised Earthmoving equipment, but it also comes with various safety hazards. Identifying these potential risks is crucial for preventing accidents. Being aware of the dangers associated with trench digging is the first step towards managing and avoiding them effectively.

The first danger to watch out for is underground services. Digging up underground services while digging a trench can result in injury, death and an expensive repair bill to fix. These are all situations that you want to avoid, which is why we always insist that you contact dial before you dig.  This simple and inexpensive step can help to ensure that the excavation process goes smoothly while greatly reducing the chances of an accident.

One of the most frequent hazards when digging a trench is the risk of a collapse or cave-in. If you have workers in a trench and the trench collapses, this could prove to be disastrous.  Even smaller trenches can quickly collapse. Our team is trained in using the proper techniques to avoid collapses.  If they feel it’s too dangerous to dig a trench in an area, we may implement the use of benching or shoring to ensure the worksite remains a safe environment.  For us, safety is the top priority.

Whenever you have a trench and people are in the same area, one of the more obvious potential dangers is someone falling in the trench; Even short falls can result in serious injuries, or even death.  When it comes to preventing a fall into a trench, it’s important that every precaution is taken.

If you ask anyone that has fallen into a ditch, you won’t find one that said that they expected that to happen.  It’s an accident, that’s why you must take precautions to prevent it.  What kinds of precautions do we take? First, we never store anything near a trench.  This prevents people from reaching for a supply and losing their footing and falling.  We also ensure that all trenches are clearly marked and have safety barriers or bunting around them whenever we are not on the site actively working.

Digging a large trench also involves the use of Earthmoving equipment, and whenever Earthmoving equipment is involved the risk of a serious accident increases.  To mitigate these risks all of our operators are certified and are extensively trained in the use of any equipment that they operate.  While preventing all accidents is impossible, we feel that proper preparation can prevent the vast majority of them.

When you need a large trench to be dug on your property hiring a qualified professional is essential.  While there are many aspects that must be considered when determining whether a company you are considering hiring is qualified, it’s important to never overlook safety.  For us at BKW, safety is priority number one, and that’s how it should be with any company that you are considering hiring.

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